Autumn Lil’ Warriors Assessment Grading Report – September 2024
4 October 2024
AETA English Open 2024 – Tournament Report
16 October 2024Autumn Assessment and Grading Report:
On Saturday 28th September, 50 students attended the Autumn White & Colour Belt Grading, held over at our Wembley Academy. The day showcased the talent of our phenomenal students as they demonstrated their skills and hard work.
We would like to thank everyone who participated and all parents and guardians who dedicate just as much time bringing our students to class, gradings and tournament.
On behalf of the examiners, Master de Silva and Sabum Thomas, we are very pleased to confirm that all who attended have passed. Congratulations to all our warriors!
This grading was monumental for 11 of our black tag students, as they completed the first part of their testing for their Black belts. We would like to extend our congratulations to all - the final part of the journey to achieve their Black belt starts now!