De Silva Taekwon-Do Safeguarding Policy
Our Taekwon-Do schools are committed to good practice in which we protect children and vulnerable adults from harm. Our staff and volunteers accept and recognise their responsibility to provide an environment which promote a safe and secure environment for all participants at all times.
We firmly believe that martial arts training presents a positive opportunity for all to learn martial arts and self-defence, improve their self-confidence and develop as an individual. Everyone who participates is entitled to do so in a safe, fair and professional environment.
Accordingly, the individual club and lead instructor has a moral and legal responsibility to ensure that, when given responsibility for children below the age of 18 or vulnerable adults, the highest standards of professionalism and care will always be exercised.
Our clubs are committed to the best practices which protect children and adults at risk from harm. Staff and volunteers accept this and recognise their responsibility to provide an environment which promotes their safety and protection at all times.
- All De Silva Taekwon-Do instructors and students are fully insured for Martial Arts.
- All De Silva Taekwon-Do instructors are CRB checked.
Child Care
De Silva Taekwon-Do classes are not Child Care facilities.
Parents who leave their children whilst the training session is in progress must return promptly at the end of the class to collect their children.
Parents need to understand that, although all reasonable practical measures will be taken to ensure the safety and protection of their children, the ultimate responsibility remains with them.
Students and Instructors are not permitted under De Silva TKD Child Protection policy to supervise children outside of training time and neither are insured to do so.
In the event that a child or parent/ guardian have any enquiries related to safeguarding please contact our lead Safeguarding / Welfare Officers:
Mr Calvin Thomas
Lead Welfare Officer
Ms Alina Tiits
Deputy Welfare Officer
To contact us with any safeguarding queries please call us on +44 20 8164 5783 or email us at
Should we need to escalate a case, we will contact our national governing body (ITF ENGLAND) Safeguarding Lead : Master Mackenna or Local Authority Safeguarding Lead:
Name: Natalie Cernuda (LADO)
Telephone: 07890 940241
As part of our commitment, the following documents and policies are available to download:
Safeguarding Policy
Code of Safe Practice
Code of Conduct for Children
Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers
Code of Conduct for Staff & Volunteers
Photography & Media Policy
Complaints Procedure
This policy will be reviewed every three years.
Reviewed: December 2023
Next review date: December 2026
De Silva Taekwon-Do